Internship Search Websites

Sunday, March 29, 2009

I really like the Career Builder
It is free and it probably has the most amount of internships and jobs listed

Please feel free to add anything you know that was helpful in your internship searches

I checked out the nuResume, it is actually a really cool website, so check it out.
Thanks Claire for the comment

Accounting Internship

Friday, March 27, 2009

Big Four

Ernst & Young
Price water house Coopers
D e l o i t t e

Other Major Companies
to get an accounting Internship with.

Grant Thornton
R S M M c G l a d e r y
B D O S e i d m a n
C r o w e Group
P l a n t e & Moran

Read this blog, as I will tell you from my own experience how to get an internship in accounting area.

Rather than giving you bunch of links to some websites I will actually give you some advice that will be very helpful to you in finding internships not only in accounting but in any other area.

Ok Here it goes...

Step 1
(complete this step only if you can)
Get an internship with one of the Big Four Accounting Companies!

Who is the big four? ( in case if you didn't know)
Ernst & Young, Price water house Coopers, K P M G and D e l o i t t e.

Why get an internship with them?

Yeah it might sound repetitive to you as some of your professor might have already told you about this, but they are right. Getting an internship with the Big Four will open to you all the accounting doors.

How do you do it?

Register on their career services website.


In order to apply for an internship with the big four you should always first register on their website. You should understand that searching for an internship is not like searching for a job as companies most likely will never list their internships on some job boards especially big companies and they will require you to register on their website.

Ernst & Young
Price water house Coopers
D e l o i t t e Touche

It will ask you to fill out a long application - do it. Register to all of them, some of them will ask you to fill out a survey about yourself which will probably take 5-10 minutes - do that as well. Answer all questions correctly as they will check with your University.

OK, now that you have registered on their career page, comes the next step

Step 2

Go to their Campus Career Recruitment.

You can find that information on their website. But I would rather check with your university career services since when I tried to find information on their website about their recruitment on my campus they said that they were not having any, but my university career services confirmed the opposite.

So check with your career services department

Big four companies most often have recruiters that will come to campuses mostly during fall, and recruit certain number of students based on the prestige of your university and their University - Big Four relationships. Make sure you attend these recruitment. If it is not offered in your University than check with other Universities around your area, they most certainly should have recruitment in any top two universities in your state.

If you don't go to the career recruitment you most likely will not get an internship. It's a must for you to go to a career recruitment unless your uncle can get you an internship position. If you don't have it in your University than check with the career services of a different University. Call them and they should be able to help you.

Well did you like the article?
Was it helpful? Or did you know it all already?
Either way if you want to know more just keep on reading as I will tell you more about their hiring strategy and some interview tips.

International Students

You are an international student

First thing you should know is that it will be very hard for you to get an internship with the big four

-They have to offer you a sponsorship (H1B visa), which costs money and effort
-When you first come to work for a company you are just a liability, they have to train you, teach you and then you will become an asset. Well what they are afraid of is that - what if you will just leave back to your country after they have put so much effort into you?

And remember only the Big Four accounting companies offer you a sponsorship, none other accounting companies will do that for you. So if you want to stay in America you have to get an internship wit them. And of course you can always become an illegal immigrant!

What you will need

Your GPA has to be at least 0.2-0.3 higher than what American student GPA needs to be. Just go to my main page and whatever requirement you see there add about 10-30% more to it and you should have a pretty good idea

Big Four Salary

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Big Four companies

Ernst & Young
Price water house Coopers
D e lo i t t e

Big Four Salary for entry level accountants
Your salary may really vary by your first position as well as with your location.
If you are working in New York you will probably be paid more than if you are working in some small town for instance.

But on average, entry level big four salary is from
$45,000 - $55,000 plus bonuses $1,000 - $8,000

Entry level salaries for each company as follows

Delloite -
$50,000 to $54,999
Ernst & Young - $50,000 to $54,999
KPMG - $50000 to $54999
PWC - $50,000 to $54,999

Big four salary for accounting internships

Deloitte - $24.50 per/hour
KPMG - $24.00
PriceWC- $23.80 per/hour
Ernst - $22.50 per/hour

So over their Internship period you will be making around $10,000 dollars.

I have been trying to get some data for entry level salary for big four but it is rather hard to be exact since it varies so much depending on the city you are applying for work and also the department at which you will be working and so on. But toughly they pay about 43-60K for college graduates.

Accounting Resume

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I want to give you couple of hints about your resume,

First of all if you still have your high school resume,
or your resume includes information from your high school get rid it of it.
Whatever accomplishments you have done in high school are in your past now.

I could talk about resumes for hours, but I will just give you some very important highlights

Now that you have got your resume,

Very Important

It has to be 1 page long, do not have a resume that is longer than one page

It has to be easy to read

It should include following information

  • Your name and address
  • Your Objective
  • University, Major, Expected Graduation
  • GPA - you have to include it
  • Classes that you have taken related to your major
  • Your work experience
  • Leadership
  • Skills
  • References - If you don't have any references just say some thing like "reference is available upon request" - but its good to include reference
This is it, don't include anything more.

After you get your resume don't, go make an appointment with someone at your career services department so that they can take a look at it.


Put whatever GPA is higher, if your major GPA is 3.5 but your overall GPA is 3.2 then put your major GPA

Other than big four

You didn't get an internship with the big four
Second Option

If you tried to get an internship with the Big Four, and you gave it your best shot but it just seems like you are not gonna make it, well don't worry you have more options

There are other companies who have less rigorous selection process , and you should be able to score at this level.

I have put the name of the most famous accounting companies that are prestigious after the big four. You should register at least for couple of them on their career webpage.

Grant Thornton
R S M M c G l a d e r y
B D O S e i d m a n
C r o w e Group
P l a n t e & Moran

Some of them might not have position at particular states so check what they have to offer first, and try to go to their career recruitment.

Btw. I just made up this Big seven name since there seven companies I listed.
Maybe, if I included the big four than I could have named it Big Eleven, but big seven sounds better.


Talk to some of your professors in accounting field they probably know some internship openings. Networking, Networking and once again Networking is the key for success.

Big Four Minimum Requirments

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Since everybody wants to get an internship with the Big Four
They have very rigorous selection process.

Ernst & Young
Price water house Coopers
D e l o i t t e

First of all you should be at least a sophomore, junior/senior preferably - no freshman

This is what you will need at least:

If your GPA is below 3.0, than don't even bother to apply for an internship with the big four as they will not even consider your application.

What GPA is good for them?

Some of them have requirements such as at least 3.3

I can not tell you the least GPA should have as it will vary with the Prestige of you University, however for a decent University such as Ohio State, or some other State University GPA of 3.4 and up should have a pretty good shot at getting an internship.

Notice: If you are international student requirements are different for you therefore
scroll down on this page and find the section for international students.

Next comes your leadership skills